Let's All Wear WHITE
I know, I know; we are already waiting, eagerly waiting for the month of May..
Lets Surprise HIM..
He loves white, so lets all wear white and surprise Him.. what say my dear os.me ?
I wore white for my last two zoom sessions, and trust me, I felt so blissful. I felt pure after my bath (chanted my ganga jamuna chants in the bath) and wore white which Swamiji loves.
For all our live discourses we have always worn white. Seeing all of us in white, He may be surprised, He may appreciate our Virtual Presence.
This is just a thought and a perception I'm entertaining.. and I know He likes us in all attires and never judges us..
There is something about white though, some scientific facts:
- It reflects light
- It consists of all colors, hence all inclusive
- Has no different hues or shades
- The opposite of Darkness or Ignorance
- A sign of purity
Eventually we all have to become like a Prism๐. Incoming of Swamitioning (white ray)and outgoing of different colors ๐ณ️๐, having different wavelengths of goodness, acquiring the quality of healing the world and making this world a better place.
White Dwarf ๐ is a symbol of peace, so let's all be His symbol of Peace..
Remember our Gayatri sadhana, Kundalini Sadhana and Astrology camp ?.. all of us were wearing white...let's wear white⚪️ for all our next ZOOM sessions with SwamiG....pls. JaiSri Hari๐.
Prism effect
SriHari in White

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