Jupiter transition over Sagittarius

Jupiter transit into Sagittarius.

Sarvatma ch divanatho manah: kumudbandhav: |
satvam kujo budhai: prokto budho vanipradayak: ||12||
devejyo jyansukhado bhraguviryapradayak: |
rishibhi: praktanai: proktashchaayasrunushcha dhukahda: ||13||
Brihat Parasar Hora Shastra chapter 2 Verse 12-13.

The Sun is the soul of all. 
The Moon is the mind.
Mars is one's strength. 
Mercury is the speech giver. 
Jupiter confers knowledge and happiness. 
Venus governs semen while Saturn indicates grief.

prishtodayi tvatha dhanurguruswami ch satvikha: ||17||
pingalo nishiviryadya: pavak: kshatriyo dvipat |
adavante chatushpad: samgatro dhanurdhar: ||18||
purvastho vasudhachari tejasvi brahmana kritah: |
                                                                                           Brihat Parasar Hora Shastra chapter 4 Verse 17-18-1/2.

The sign Sagittarius rises with its back and its Lord is Jupiter. It is Sattvik. its hue is pale and it is strong in the night; its element is fire and its varna is Kshatriya (royal and martial). Its biped to 15° and and afterwards quadruped. It has even body and bears a bow and arrow. It resides in the east and wanders on the earth. Brahma has made it splendorous.

The above shlokas are from the oldest Vedic text Brihat Parasar Hora Shastra which explains the meaning of the planets and the sign Sagittarius. 
I am referring the Shastra translated by Girish chand Sharma.

On 5th of November 2019 Jupiter has transited  Scorpio to Sagittarius. Saturn and Ketu are already transiting over the same sign. So Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu currently transiting Sagittarius which is a very rare occurrence. Saturn will move to Capricorn on 24th January in 2020 midday thus ending the period of sadesati(7.5) for Sagittarius sign.
Ketu and Jupiter when in co junction create a powerful yoga called Dvaj yoga. 
Ketu when present with Jupiter enhances the power of Jupiter by 5 times.

This period will last till 20-11-2020. Do the remedies till then.
Lord for the sign Sagittarius is planet Jupiter. So Jupiter will stay in its own house till November 2020. A planet gives its best result when present in its own house. Jupiter stays in one Sign for almost a year. Going by this calculation this transition happens once in 12 years. So try to make the most of it by doing some basic remedies. Remedies help only when done with complete devotion and faith.

As per shastras this transit will have profound impact on almost every sign. It is especially beneficial for Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Depending on ascendant and moon sign, the impact will be felt in every sphere of life from education, health, business, family and children. To unlock and enhance the power of this transit one may consider position of Jupiter and take necessary measures to reap the benefits.

Some of the common remedies as per texts include :
-serving Guru, parents, old people, selfless service towards needy.
-wearing of Pukhraj (yellow sapphire)
-soaking the Pukhraj in a glass of water overnight and drinking the same first thing in the morning.(don't forget to keep the stone aside)
-chanting beej mantra of Jupiter
”Om Brim Brihaspataye Namah.”
-chanting Vishnu sahasranam or visiting Lord Rama temple
-taking bath with a pinch of  Turmeric (Haldi) water.

For example: In the above birth chart ,Lord of 5th house is Sagittarius, so the transit is happening through 5th house. Benefits of the 5th house will be felt more.
Similarly you can check in your own horoscope which house is ruled by the Sagittarius(9) to understand which part of  your life will have more gains.


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